5 pillars govern The Dillon Burns Method. These are the five things that you must work on, seek to control, and continually develop every single day of your life to get yourself to a point where you’re achieving more than ever before. If you want to make progress, you have to do the work; this is self-mastery. There is no easy button and no one is coming to help you. It’s all on you.

So get to work.



Physical health & performance.

Why Physical? As much as I try to separate this aspect from everything else, it keeps pulling me in deeper than before. Physical health & performance are so vitally important to literally everything we do as human beings that it would be wrong to leave them out. I’m not talking about being a professional athlete, but I am absolutely talking about being as physically capable as your genetic potential will allow you to be; that takes a bunch of hard work and is not easily attained, which is exactly why physical health & performance is Pillar Number 1.



Physiological health & performance.

Why Physiological? Here’s something you don’t read about or hear about every day, but I’m here to tell you that this is drastically, vitally, extremely important to your overall performance, mental clarity, productivity, health & wellness, and how you interact with the world at large. My biggest and best recommendation is that you start with your gut. I’ll spare you MOST of the charts and percentages and details of why you should start here, but if you want to know why and how I recommend going about this, click the button below.



Mindset & mental health.

Why Mental? I think we’ve all heard our fair share of why mindset matters and about mental health. But the questions still linger, “What IS mindset?” and “How can I create a strong mindset?” and “How can I become mentally healthy?” This is a path that is not fit for everyone, meaning what I do might not work for you. However, I can absolutely guarantee you that if you begin to take these steps, that you will begin to see positive change in your life and you will, without question, get yourself headed in the right direction. Read more about it below.



Heartset & emotional health.

Why Emotional? Have you ever heard of heartset? Most likely, the answer is no. Well here’s the massive differentiator between The Dillon Burns Method and everything else and why for me this one might be the most important.

Look, I’ve been broken for a long time. Broken to the point where I have trouble feeling anything but anger, rage, violence, etc., and that’s not okay with me anymore.

We don’t always get our goals, but we ALWAYS get our standards. My standard emotional state has been in the gutter for a very long time, both with my external relationships and my own personal relationship with myself.

Click the button below to find out what I do and how I’m working on my transformed heartset & emotional health every single day.



Spiritual awareness.

Why Spiritual? If you’re not a religious person, chances are you probably don’t think of yourself as a spiritual person. That word tends to lend it’s meaning to people who “believe”. But my friends, this couldn’t be further from the Truth.

Believing, to me, doesn’t mean belief in a single God that is all-knowing and is better than any other God that someone else might “believe” in.

It means that I believe in living life to the fullest in every moment I’m given, I believe in karma, I believe in being a good person to all human beings regardless of faith, religion, color of skin, thoughts, beliefs, upbringing’s, etc., and I do believe in a higher power, just not in the traditional sense of a god…but GOD.

Click below to read more.